Course curriculum

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    • Course Overview

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    Introduction and Green Building Overview

    • Green Building Overview

    • Quiz - What is Green Building?

    • Quiz - Which home is greener?

    • Why Green Building Matters

    • Quiz - Green Building Review

    • Energy Basics and the Science of Building

    • Quiz - Energy Basics Review

    • Water & Buildings

    • Quiz - Water & Buildings Review

    • Quiz - Introduction to Green Building Review

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    Principles of Green Building

    • Indoor Air / Environmental Quality (IAQ/IEQ)

    • Materials and IAQ

    • Quiz - IAQ Review

    • Life Cycle and Embodied Energy

    • Quiz - Materials and Life Cycle Review

    • Designing a Green Home

    • Quiz - Designing a Green Home Review

    • Site Development and Foundations

    • Quiz - Principals of Green Building Review

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    Energy Basics and the Science of Buildings

    • Framing

    • Insulation and Air Infiltration

    • Quiz - Framing and Insulation Review

    • HVAC

    • Quiz - HVAC Review Part 1

    • Quiz - HVAC Review Part 2

    • Water Heating and Plumbing

    • Quiz - Water Heating and Plumbing Review

    • Quiz - Energy Basics and the Science of Buildings Review

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    Water and Buildings

    • Flooring

    • Quiz - Flooring/Paint Review

    • Lighting

    • Quiz - Lighting Review

    • Water and Energy

    • Quiz - Water and Energy Review

    • Landscaping

    • Maintenance

    • Get the Competitive Edge

    • Quiz - Course Review

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    Certification Exam

    • Certified Green Building Professional Exam