Course curriculum

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    • Course Overview

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    Introduction and GreenPoint Rated New Home Overview

    • 1) Intro to BIG and GreenPoint Rated New Home

    • Quiz - New Home Intro

    • 2) Rater Conduct, Policies, and Procedures

    • Quiz - Rater Conduct, Policies, and Procedures

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    Measure Verification

    • 3) Measure Verification Protocols and Site, Foundation, and Landscaping Measures

    • Quiz - Measure Verification Protocols and Site, Foundation, and Landscaping Measures

    • 4) Structure and Systems Measures

    • Quiz - Structure and Systems Measures

    • 5) Renewable Energy System, Home Performance, and Finish Measures

    • Quiz - Renewable Energy Systems, Home Performance, and Finish Measures

    • Guidance: Filling out the DCF Energy Inputs Tab (Single Family)

    • Guidance: Filling out the DCF Energy Inputs Tab (Multifamily)

    • 6) Community Planning, Design, and Other Measures

    • Quiz - Community Planning, Design, and Other Measures

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    Preparing and Submitting a New Home Project for Certification

    • 7) Preparing a Project and How to Use the Data Collection Form

    • Quiz - Preparing a Project and How to Use the Data Collection Form

    • 8) Submitting a Project for Certification and Resources

    • Quiz - Rating Process: Submitting a Project for Certification and Resources

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    GPR New Home Exam

    • GreenPoint Rated New Home Exam